The Promenade, Union Park, postcard 3
The image "Center View of Union Park, Dubuque" was taken across from the Pavilion overlooking the Promenade and Waiting Area. The Rustic Bandstand is just out of sight, but music would have flooded the area on a day like the one depicted here. The buildings from the left are another pavilion, the Bowling Alley, and the refreshment (or ice cream) stand. The little building in the upper left-hand corner of the postcard is described as toadstool shaped pagoda in Michael A. Boge's book "Union Park: A Place of Memories. The park had many more so-called pagodas (which were originally miner's huts) when it was known as Stewart Park.Take note of the fountain in front of the tree with 3 trunks that still grows today. Also, there were many planters on the grounds. The park was well-known for its beautiful flowers. The postcard in my collection was used in 1922; however, the straw hats worn by the men were typical of the 1910s.
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