Do you have more information or insights about Union Park? Do you possess historical family photos taken in Union Park? Would you would like to share your information and images with the world? Consider sharing them here at Union Park: Then & Now. Full credit will be given to your contribution.
I'm particularly interested in photos of the roller coaster or the fish pond as well as the interior of the Mammoth Theatre. Family photos of the dance hall or the wading pool would be a great addition as well. If you are interested in sharing, please email me.
My name is Cindy Nielsen, and I am the grandniece and cousin of the people who drowned in the Union Park flood. My grandfather was one of the survivors. I am writing a book about Union Park and would love to touch base with you on this issue. Please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Cindy Nielsen
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for posting a comment. I would love to hear your grandfather's story. I'll be contacting you soon!
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